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The Pearl-shell Diver  - a story of adventure from the Torres Strait

ISBN 978 -1-76029-047-4                                     


* Book of the Year 2016:   Best Book for Language and Literacy Development - Indigenous Books for Children

   Awarded by Speech Pathology Australia

*  Notable Book of the Year 2017:  Younger Readers - Children's Book Council of Australia

*  Shortlisted Crystal Kite Award 2017 - Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators


The year is 1898:  Sario lives with his family on a remote island in the Torres Strait. The pearl-shell industry is at its peak and when his father is coerced away, 13-year-old Sario goes to work as a swimming diver to support his family. He can earn more as a pump-diver and he wants to walk the deep ocean floor in a big breathing helmet and dive suit, but deep-sea diving is extremely dangerous and another diver is making trouble, and ... worse is to come for island boy, Sario.


Historical fiction - 9-13 years

Available in print & e-book formats

Publisher Allen & Unwin. Editor Lyn White

Cover design by Debra Billson

Order through your local book shop


Very clear portrayal of life in the Torres Strait in the late 19th century.

Language used built up clear images of the people, their respective responsibilities within their clans - family networks.

Interesting aspects re fishing hunting and cooking marine life, and local vegetables introduced into story. The fact that when needed natural remedies were available added  another challenge to any stereotypical attitudes towards native people.  

The writing is clear and descriptions of the islander life and working opportunities are graphic. The interweaving of facts, local language and locations are excellent.The map of the Torres Strait Islands, Cape York and the Papua New Guinea adds authenticity to the story. 


           Pat Priestly (Catholic Education Curriculum Consultant (retired) past School Principal & Teacher in the Torres Strait islands 

Patch Parker - Son of a Convict         

ISBN  978-0-7312-7390-4               


​* Recommended resource for middle primary recommended by the History Teachers Association of Australia.


Patch Parker's mother was a British convict transported to New South Wales. Life in the new colony was difficult for her and Patch, there was little food, and relations with the local people were not always good. Patch did make friends with an Aboriginal boy called Tommera. Read how Patch and Tommera's friendship developed in difficult times.


Historical fiction  7-9 years                        

Illustrated by Naomi Lewis                                                   Publisher Harcourt Education

Reading Box - comprehension texts
Published by Teachers 4 Teachers             


Reading comprehension kits for children 6-12 years. Texts are age-levelled and suitable for group or individual learning. The colour-coded cards have informative, imaginative and motivational articles and stories and present eleven text types, including narratives, reports, procedures, recounts, explanations, expositions and descriptions.


The following educational titles may be out of print and

available in some second-hand book outlets, libraries and schools.

Introduced Species In Australia

ISBN 978-1-4202-7308-3                


​* Awarded a Whitley Book Commendation by The Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales.


This information book explores the debate about managing the impact of introduced plants and animals. How are species introduced?

What is their impact on the Australian environment and economy? Is commercial harvesting a workable solution? 


Non-fiction. Available in print and digital formats.             Publisher Macmillan Library Australia 

Chapter Books

Don't Try This at Home!  - extreme jumps

ISBN 0-7312-3330-1             


Have you always wondered how to sky surf or bungee jump, but been too afraid to ask?

For the ultimate adrenaline rush, this book explores a range of extreme jumps.


Non-fiction  8-12 years

Sourced and author photos                                                  Publisher Rigby Heinemann

No Ticket, No Ride!

ISBN 0-7329-9901-4                   


It is Joel's turn to take the class guinea pigs home for the weekend.

Disaster strikes when the bus driver won't let them on the bus without



Fiction  7-9 years                  Publisher Macmillan Education Australia

Illustrated by Craig Longmuir     

The Monster Lobster Rescue

ISBN 0-7312-2370-5                     


This is the story of Larry, and how Nick and his friends

set out to rescue him.

But this is no ordinary rescue attempt. Larry is a monster lobster.


Fiction  7-9 years

Ilustrated by June Joubert      Publisher Rigby Heinemann

Mouse House Loan

ISBN 0-7312-1980-5                     


Katy Kriby has a problem - a mouse problem! Her pet mouse Madonna

is expecting more babies,and the mouse house is already too crowded.

Katy needs money to buy a new mouse house, and fast! 


Fiction  7-9 years

Ilustrated by June Joubert                     Publisher Rigby Heinemann                                                                                         

My daughter had at one time 18 guinea pigs. Too many said I. Now she has only two of them. 

This is a nice story for young readers learning English.  

       Annelis at Kerava, Uusimaa / Nyland Finland 12 May 2015 

Penguins in polonecks

ISBN 0-7329-9906-5                                  


The fairy penguins on Ninth Island are sick due to an oil spill.

Tom wants to help them, but he is not impressed with Hanna's crazy

plan. Can Hanna convince a bunch of desert kids to start knitting? 


Fiction  7 - 9 years

Illustrated by Craig Longmuir            Publisher Macmillan Education


Early Readers

How to Make a Sun Hat

ISBN 0-7312-2248-2         


This is a 'how to' book with simple diagrams and

steps for early readers.

It fits with the topic of 'Weather.' 


Craft 5-7 years

Illustrated by June Joubert 

Publisher Rigby Heinemann


Noisy Toys

ISBN 0-7312-2255-5       


What noise does your toy make? This book fits with the topic

of 'Games and Toys.' Introduces onomatopoeia - word

sounds that imitate the sound of the action they make.


Fiction  5-7 years

Illustrated by June Joubert

Publihser Rigby Heinemann

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